Everyone has their hobby's they enjoy or the things they want to do. Whether it's biking or running, sailing, coding, sports. It can be anything and most things cost money in order to do. Even jogging you have to buy sneakers. Maybe it's you wanting to go on a vacation or visit some family. Who knows. Maybe it's your phone or tv bills. There's cheap and easy ways to have a lot of fun without losing cash in your wallet though. Or just to save up money. I know that there are awesome trinkets you see or a great deal in a shop. Like something for $70 on sale for $50. You buy it, you didn't save $20, You spent $50. Keep that in mind if you need to save money and you have a bad habbit of spending money you need or don't have. It can help you stick with your idea of saving that extra thousand you need or getting where you need to end up.
Tip 1. Use the three month rule- if you want to go somewhere don't just up and pack your bags. Wait at least 3 months prior and plan your trip. Where do you want to go? What hotel? What do you plan to do during your stay and how long will you stay? Etc. If you realize you don't want to go there then that's airfair/gas, money, time you just saved by realizing.
Tip 2. If you have a big family or plan on staying a week or so renting a place may be cheaper depending on where you go so consider your options.
Tip 3. Check coupons or local deals, If you're somewhere expensive like NYC look around, there are plenty of people and places to see that you don't have to pay for in order to find enjoyment from.
Tip 4. If you're buying for a hobby or sport see if you can make money off it or find equipment that will last you. If you bike or paint or draw, see if you can make money off of it. If you need new stuff, consider your options long term.
Tip 5. Consider some DIY things you can easily figure out, No, not those videos where you have to buy $40 to make something that looks worth $2. The kind of projects like removing a bush painting the house instead of paying a painter at a way higher price.