Home Owner
As a home owner you have to be cautious of your home and how the prices fluxuate. Do you plan to be here long term? Do you think that if you sell this house it will be worth anything by the time you do? These are important to consider as a home owner and you constantly have to have repairs or have to put in thousands to sell it and renovate or fix something like a pipe burst, a tree falling onto the roof, the septic system. With Mortgages and loans you want to have the mortgage over as soon as you can. Say you have a house and are getting it for 600k over 30 year period. After that 30 year period you will have paid almost double because of interest rates going up. If it is 3.25%. First year that worth would be 619500 which is almost 20k extra for a mortgage. Aim for a shorter period if possible since the rates are lower and the price is more expensive up front but he is also less as a whole. Your house value can go up tens of thousands or down tens of thousands. It depends on the year, house, and neighborhood.
Tip 1. Pick a shorter mortgage if you can afford it. Shorter mortgages are less money overall Since most people stay in a house for less than 10 years unless the retire.
Tip 2. Do the projects you can do yourself. Like if you have a pool you can open it yourself but don't try to close it unless you know how to close it properly because otherwise you can destroy the pipes.
Tip 3. Always have a thousand dollars on hand even if you are in debt. If a pipe bursts or there is a home emergency. You should always have money on hand in case of an accident or surprise expense
Tip 4. If you're too hot turn on a fan and open the windows and if you're cold just layer up and curl into a blanket. Do not blast the heat to like 80 then turn it down to 60 an hour later. It skyrockets your bill